It certainly has been this year! Having to only work 2 half days this week and next week doesn't hurt either (Thanks IBM!).
Tuesday night we had the opportunity to see some old friends (they are not OLD, just no longer living here!) as we all got together at the Green Mill. It was wonderful to get together with everyone, talk, joke, and laugh.
Wednesday - VACATION! I took advantage of the down time to go to Caribou and spend a couple hours just reading. While the driving there wasn't really all that nice - everyone and their brother must have been out shopping - the quiet time at Caribou was great. I met friend Shelley for a leisurely lunch and then headed over to friend Bill's to hang out and watch a couple of movies. Wednesday evening was nice and low-key - bowl games, egg sandwiches, and kitties.
Thursday, for the first time in 12 years, I attended the Christmas morning worship service at my church. I'm not usually here on Christmas morning, and honestly I have always wanted to go because it's a smaller, quieter, more intimate service. This year was a great choice for my first one - good musical friends the Hammonds sang a beautiful trio (what singing talent in that family), and there was a string quartet doing much of the music - my church just has talented musicians coming out of the woodwork. A wonderful morning! And just enough time afterward to leisurely pack up and for Erin and I to hit the road. First to Roseville and my wonderful cousins, who filled us up with lunch, cookies, and the most decadant carmel dessert I've ever tasted (insulin shot included). After some fun time and conversation with them, another 45 minutes and we were at sister's house to meet up with the family. All sorts of present-opening with the kids, and fun for everyone. Displayed below are a couple of the fun gifts going on (yes that is a Chia Scooby Doo, yes they still make Chia Pets, and yes it hasn't changed in 20+ years).
Another nice relaxed day on Friday - brother-in-law made wonderful breakfast (and sister made coffee), and more playing with toys, watching new DVDs, playing euchre (cards), and pizza for a late afternoon lunch/snack. We finally decided it was time to leave before the weather got bad (it was raining but was still well above freezing at that point) and headed home, making a quick stop at IKEA to pick up a desk I had ordered earlier (it was not really that busy). Besides some very dense fog, we made it home without any slippery roads, and in plenty of time to play with the kitties - not having seen them for nearly 2 days we missed them!
Today is time to put together a desk (really not that hard). Blessings and safe travels to all this week and next!