Tuesday, December 2, 2008

TiVo Guilt

This article from friend Shelley's blog was so good I had to repost it:


I SO have TiVo guilt, and an associated phenomenon, DVD backlog guilt. By the time you have whole seasons of things available (either on DVD or because you put off watching them on TiVo) it seems like a daunting task to start into them.

There is yet another spin-off phenomenon I've experienced because of the DVR technology era - TiVo Partner guilt. When I got my first TiVo, the "guilt" was just making sure I didn't delete anything that my old roomate hadn't already had the chance to see too (if it's something he wanted to watch) - yet not running out of space. We had ideas on how there should be ways for each person to mark that they've watched something - and then automatically delete it when everyone has watched it (I'm such a geek I know). NOW, it's a little more complicated - for shows that boyfriend and I watch together, it's the "I shouldn't watch this because I should wait until we watch it together" guilt - given how little our schedules actually line up to do this, I usually end up watching stuff anyway and then feel bad or watch it again because Erin hasn't watched it yet.

Hmmm, maybe we all obsess a little too much about TV....


Shelley Kubitz Mahannah said...

That is so funny, because Ryan and I are the same way! "Oh, I should wait to watch 'The Shield' because Ryan will want to see it too." Man - gotta love technology.

RobinScarey said...

I have Tivo guilt too - There are a ridiculous number of shows to be recorded on my DVR and it kills me to take one off (I did, however, take FIVE shows off the other day when I decided I just couldn't fit it into my schedule anymore)
I actually have to make a spreadsheet when the new fall lineups come out to make sure I can squeeze everything in and decide what is the most important. I wish I had time to fit in the Office, and yes Ugly Betty is pretty hilarious this season!