Thursday, January 27, 2011

Fun catalog flashbacks

Thanks to friend Matt for sharing this fun flashback to 70s catalog models

Monday, January 24, 2011


Thanks to friend Dan for the link to this one:

I've read an increasing number of articles saying that we've over-evilized eggs and that they actually provide a healthy amount of LDL/HDL cholesterol. I've also read articles that talk about how we aren't measuring the right thing when we test cholesterol levels (that we should be doing the test to see if our artieries are clogged instead) but it never really expained why. This article explains a lot more about that, and how our body uses cholesterol.

I am getting increasingly skeptical of drugs like cholesterol medication, given that they all have these horrible side effects on our liver. This further makes me wonder if all these drugs we take end up having more side effects and cause us to have more problems (which might make us take more drugs, etc. etc.)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Why "Christians" continue to get a bad name

The problems with separation of church and state aside (everyone has the right to their own personal opinions), this, to me, is the problem with how Christianity is viewed in our society. Most of you who know me know that I am a Christian, and I have a hard time understanding how someone who makes remarks like the Alabama governor is making could possibly be reading the same bible that I am reading. The "Golden Rule" in the Christian bible contains two parts - 1) You shall love the lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind, and 2) YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.

Now, to me the first part is a personal relationship between a person and God. But the second part seems pretty clear - there are no exceptions on who is "your neighbor". That means everyone. Period. And it only takes a little bit of reading about the life of Jesus, for which "Christ"ianity is based on, to see that Jesus didn't hate people, exclude people, etc. Certainly, people have different opinions, different beliefs, different faiths, different religions, etc. The rule does not say "You shall agree with your neighbor as yourself". But someone who claims to be a Christian and yet isn't living part 2 of the "Golden Rule" and is ignoring the countless examples of it in the life of Jesus, to me, is a hypocrite. Period.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

My Blackberry is broken

Hilarious - thanks to friend Bill for sharing