Friday, September 26, 2008


OK so I'll take a break from political and economic blogging :)

Last night I had the chance to visit my dear friend from high school Denise, who has now twice had to come to Minneapolis for work. This time we went to the "News Room" restaurant, a favorite of mine (ok so I've only been there twice but it's been good both times!) Somehow we manage to talk for hours just like there hasn't been the 16-year gap since high school...on the way home I couldn't resist going around the "long way" up Hennepin and back over the new 35W bridge so I could see it. OK, so it's still just a bridge, but it's all new and wide and shiny and pretty. Amazing that they were able to accomplish that in such a short amount of time (and I applaud how well the city handled the traffic re-routing issues). Let's hope that this tragedy prevents future ones from occurring.

Nebraska is playing Virginia Tech on Saturday night prime time, looking forward to that!

Also, we've finally decided on a name for our girl kitty. Before I announce the names, I will say that neither of us came up with either of these names (we did approve them though so I suppose we're responsible) - the boy name was derived from my niece Keagann, and the girl name was from one of Erin's friends.

boy = Mr. Fluffy Face (Fluffy)
girl = Madame Sparkles Fairy Princess (Sparkles)

More pictures to follow...Mr. Fluffy Face apparently has ring worm or something similar, so he is now getting medicine. Both have adapted well to their new home and are now proceeding to destroy the furniture :) We are trying to use kitty treats to positively reinforce good behavior, but Madame Sparkles doesn't seem to care for them much (but they both try to eat "people" food whenever it's around!)

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