Friday, October 31, 2008

I've gotta quit reading the news...

Stuff like this just amazes me - the McCain campaign saying Obama is getting a "free pass" on negative advertising because of his race. They're complaining about an ad linking his economic plan to President Bush's - which can truthfully be done. Yes it is "negative" advertising - any ad that points out a bad thing about an opponent is a negative ad. But compare that with the fliers I've gotten in the mail the past two weeks saying Obama is a terrorist and a Muslim. That is not just negative advertising, it's lies. It's sensationalism.

And if you're going to talk about free passes, how about Sarah Palin in the interviews I've seen of her and the debates. Every interview I've seen that has been unscripted asked fairly "easy" questions (at least relative to what the other candidates get asked) and she still seems to struggle to answer them. The debate? She never really even answered a question directly - all I could see is her winding her answer back to some scripted answer about something she knew. All politicans do that, but she was doing it a lot.

I can't wait for Tuesday.

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