Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Political flyers

Really, I'm just ready for the election to be over...but I do find it interesting receiving the flurry of political fliers, door knockers, etc. that are now in full force. I missed one last night (Erin was here), that was "re-polling" me - I guess to make sure I'm still voting the way I'm voting? I've also had a representative for state rep Jim Jensen stop by, and Jim Bier himself (running for county commissioner) came to my door personally. Strangely no republicans have stopped by...maybe they know?

The fliers today were particularly interesting, because one was for Norm Coleman, and the other was for...well Norm Coleman, but at first glance it looked like it was for Al Franken. But really it was telling me how bad a person Al Franken is. I was watching CNN, and they were showing there are now only 7 battleground states. and 7% of independent or undecided voters. So basically they're saying the election is going to be decided by 7% of voters in 7 states. When will we ever get rid of this ancient electoral system.

OK enough ranting about the election. I don't think 50th Ave is going to be done before winter, so we're going to have a closed road all winter, which actually is probably ok given the condition it gets to in the winter anyway. I have officially been named a "team lead" at work now, which doesn't change my job one bit, doesn't give me a promotion or more pay, and I'm sure I've been a "team lead" on other projects, but oddly enough until today I've never actually seen it on a chart. Kinda neat. Sunday was my first Sunday as handbell director for the adult choir, and it went great - I think this group is going to be a lot of fun. We played through about 5 new songs last night and we're planning on doing 4 great Christmas songs for the St. Mary's service. While I miss playing, I do admit I like being in charge :)

Off to bed and on to Wednesday!

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