Thursday, October 23, 2008

Word To Your Mother

I was especially excited about the trivia question at Caribou this morning - sometimes I don't answer the question because they're so easy and I don't feel like I've earned 10 cents off (stupid, I know). But I bet I was one of very few people who ACTUALLY definitively knew the answer this morning (it was multiple choice so I'm sure some people guessed correctly). The question was:

"What was the first rap song to hit #1?"
a) Baby Got Back
b) U Can't Touch This
c) Ice Ice Baby

Before I reveal the answer, I have to explain the two reasons why I knew this one. The first is because I find the answer extremely ironic and thus memorable. But the second reason is that I went through a 4-year period of being completely obsessed with music charts growing up - to the point where I was making databases on my Apple IIGS of them (now you will all KNOW I am an OCD geek - my friends were playing video games on the computer, I was making databases and spreadsheets - I really was destined to work at IBM). So I know this because I was "there" :)

The answer is "Ice Ice Baby". I find this ironic because every major rap artist or group prior to Vanilla Ice was black and had way more talent than Vanilla Ice did (I use "talent" loosely referring to rap music). "Ice Ice Baby", while still a cultural icon to anyone growing up in the late 80s/early 90s, really isn't much of a song - the words are pretty stupid when you listen to them, and he ripped off most of the bass and rhythm tracks from "Under Pressure" which he totally used without permission (claiming he added one note which made it ok).

Yes I do know all the words, and sing them with my friend Ericka whenever we get together. Add that to geeky OCD.

And the only really important part of this whole story is that I have my 20 oz cup of Caribou Coffee and am ready to tackle the day.

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