Monday, June 2, 2008

Bill O'Reilley funny interview

This is even funnier because it's Bill O'Reilley...

1 comment:

GoldFishy said...

That is quite amazing. I don't think O'Reilly is a huge fan of the idea of same-sex marriage, but the writing is on the wall (and he can read it) that the "because we think it's icky" argument against such marriages is a losing proposition, especially as more and more people are waking up during the political fiasco we find ourselves in these days. For the first time in a LOOONG time, people seem a little more willing to think critically about their government and are willing to question why, rather than simply accepting wholesale the arguments put in front of them by professional political fear-mongers.

That, and they like Ellen. ;-) Nice link, Paul, thanks!