Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Vegas 5

Day 5 (Monday)

Erin had his conference today from 7am-10pm, so I was on my own. Deciding I'd save the "big" meals for later, I picked up a biscuit sandwich at the Strip McDonalds (complete with its own flashing lights and escalators) and some coffee from the Strip Starbucks (which wasn't all that great). Walked a ways down on the strip as it was a nice morning, before heading back and going to the pool and doing some sunning/reading. Seemed a lot less busy at the pool - maybe Monday isn't such a busy day? I haven't figured out the "schedule" of when it's more/less busy here but it doesn't seem to follow any pattern.

After the pool I headed over to the mall again, but only to see what the half price ticket booth had available. After looking at what all shows were available, I decided I'd rather go see a show I'd saw listed in one of the magazines - The Anthony Cools Experience - a hypnotist who's been in the business for quite awhile and there were several great reviews. Full price was only $52 so at 6:30 I headed down to Paris, made sure I could still buy a ticket, and then found a small cafe and had some dinner, and wandered around Paris and Bally's until it was show time. The show was great - most hypnotists I've ever seen were kind of cheesy and did the standard "tricks", this guy was really good though. I was a little wondering how they selected the people who went on stage, but it was completely volunteer (and they had no trouble getting 12 volunteers).

Erin decided to hang out with some of his conference colleagues, and I was tired after a late show, so I rode the monorail back to the hotel and watched TV and went to bed.

More Vegas Observations
  • There is more than enough to do here without ever touching a slot machine or going to a blackjack table.
  • Everything is geared toward getting you back to the slot machines and blackjack tables :) (food service is fast, getting anywhere requires going through a casino, the only free drinks are when you're gambling, the pool is only open until 7pm, shows are never more than 90 minutes, etc.)
  • I appreciate now more than ever having a smoke-free state (it's getting better in Vegas but it's definitely still there)

1 comment:

Jay said...

That's right, I forgot about the smoking was still on for them out there.

I agree, there enough to do to stay off the slots, and tables.. If I did go to a slot or table, I only allowed myself $20 a day, and most of the time I came back even or ahead.