Friday, August 8, 2008


So it took me until 3:49pm to notice that that was the date's the little things :)

Played with a salsa/latin combo group last night at the Thursdays on First/Art Walk downtown Rochester. What a beautiful night to be out walking around! And the turnout was fantastic - I am SO glad to be living in a city that does cool stuff like that, and that actually has a downtown!

Besides having fun playing, there were a LOT of people I knew there that stopped by to watch - Jeff, Amber (& Declan), Brian, Curtis, Shelley, Anne, Dylan...even more fun when you play for people you know.


The server setup has not been going well - after having to order a second set of cables, which got there yesterday, now it looks like one of the drives is bad, and no one in town actually sells these same drives (and they have to be the SAME ones). So another order and another 2 days of waiting...

Fortunately we're heading to Ames for the weekend anyway for a wedding! Will be fun to see Ames again, this time when there aren't a million people there for homecoming.

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