Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanksgiving Eve

While this isn't an official holiday, it sorta ends up being one for a lot of people. All the people who get Thursday and Friday off often take of Wednesday too (as I'm doing) - I don't imagine there are many people in the building where I work today.

It's also the crazy last-minute grocery shopping day where you get that thing you forgot (or, *gasp*, you didn't get any groceries yet and hope there's still stuff left). Black Friday is an insane shopping day, but grocery shopping today might scare me more.

Speaking of Black Friday - I see some stores are now opening at 3am. I think it would make more sense to just open at midnight, as it would be a lot easier to just stay up until midnight than to get up at 3am :) I will be continuing with tradition again and avoiding stores at all costs that day, and happily watching football (Huskers vs. Colorado on ABC at 2:30 woohoo!)

Finally, a video my friend Cathy posted earlier on Facebook - kids re-enacting the first Thanksgiving (cynically) - it's funny because it's little kids doing the acting, but sad too...

Looking forward to a fun, food-filled day with family and friends tomorrow. Have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving everyone!

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