Saturday, November 7, 2009

Precious Cargo

Yesterday we took the kitties to the vet for their 1.5 year checkup (really just over one year of when we got them, so one year since their initial vet visit). Madame was mewing sadly all the way there, almost like she thought we were getting rid of her or something. Fluffy Face seemed a little more excited about the field trip.

We love the vet we go to - Heritage Pet Hospital on Hwy 52 just north of 19th St. I'm sure there are many good vets in town, but if you're looking for one I would recommend them - besides being very friendly, they donate a lot of services to area animal shelters.

Both kitties did fine with all the poking, prodding and checking, and Fluffy Face was a trooper for his rabies shot. Madame was not so much of a trooper, and flinched and I think got double poked :( and was kind of lethargic for awhile after, but today all seems to be forgiven. Fluffy Face is now 11.6 lbs (I guess 11.5 is ideal for his age) and Madame weights in at 9.9.

Two years ago I never thought of myself as an animal person, a pet person, or a cat person, and now I am strongly all of the above. I certainly never hated animals or anything, but having two of them has brought a lot of fun and joy to our lives!

Here's one of their most recent pictures - their eyes don't actually glow, that's the camera :)

1 comment:

Jay said...

That is where we take our kids, and been happy with their service as well!

Glad to hear the kids checked out good. :-)