Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Facebook privacy settings

For people who use Facebook, you may have noticed or read that their privacy settings are getting progressively "worse" (at least by default) - they're starting to share a lot more information with third party stuff.

A general rule about anything on the internet is to know that anything you put out there has the potential to be seen by anyone, and once it's out there, it's out there and can never really be taken back. If you treat all sites that way, you'll probably stay out of trouble.

That being said, many people use Facebook a lot, and Slashdot has provided some tips and open source software links for automatically setting your privacy settings to their maximum levels.

1 comment:

Eric said...

I read that article yesterday and ran "Reclaim Privacy" on my Facebook account. I must be doing something right because I came out green across the board!