Thursday, July 16, 2009

Annoyingly Apple

Saw this on Slashdot this morning:

Now, strictly speaking, a company has the right to do whatever they want with their own software. But from a reality standpoint, there are two things wrong with this. First, this is the sort of "monopolistic" thing that gets Microsoft in trouble all the time. Second, and this is what really makes me wonder, it seems to me that Apple's revenue stream from iTunes and iPod is a lot based on selling stuff from the iTunes store. Yes, they probably still make a fortune on hardware (iPod and iPhone) but, it is doubtful that having the Palm Pre or other devices able to sync with iTunes would affect people's decision to buy an iPod or an iPhone - I have 3 iPods and I bought them because they're good quality devices. I wouldn't buy an iPhone simply because it integrates with iTunes - I would have bought a Pre regardless, especially since I'm not going to switch carriers from Sprint.

For me, this is more motivation to start buying music from Amazon. I'm sure Apple sees it another way, but for me they're going to lose business.


Eric said...

Bastards! How dare they not offer flawless support for the Pre and every digital media player anyone ever invented!

Paul said...

I will clarify that all I was annoyed with was that they are specifically blocking other devices - I don't think it's their responsibility to support non-Apple devices, but it would be nice if they didn't go out of their way to block them either.