Thursday, June 4, 2009

Class Action Lawsuits

I am faced with a small moral dilemma this morning - yesterday I got an e-mail saying I was part of a class action lawsuit against Palm and Sprint concerning the Treo 600 phone - apparently there is some dispute that there were statements made by Palm and Sprint that there were to be Bluetooth and Wi-Fi cards made that were compatible for the Treo 600, and in fact there never were. The result of the lawsuit is that anyone who wants to file a claim will get a $20 credit on their Sprint bill (or if you're not still a Sprint customer, you will get $27.50 towards anything at the Sprint online store). case I've never mentioned my Treo 600 story...I have been an early adopter of the "smart phone" ever since they started coming out - the big Treo 300 originally. When the 600 came out, I got it very soon after. Unfortunately the Treo 600 had many bugs - two of the biggest being the screen would start to have all sorts of dead pixels after awhile, and the phone receiver would evetually die. Under warranty and the service plan, I went through 7 Treo 600's before they finally upgraded me to the 650 (which never had a problem).

The moral dilemma I face here is that the thing the lawsuit is about really had no bearing on me - I never wanted or needed a wi-fi or bluetooth card for my Treo 600. I'm sure I spent at least $20 in time, gas, and energy getting 7 replacement Treo 600s. But...if I file a claim, am I contributing to the bloated legal system we have (that I think needs reform at some point)?

Maybe $20 isn't worth my conscience....

1 comment:

Eric said...

I like how you never see any real money out of this class action lawsuit. Instead you get credit that can only be redeemed with the company that sold you the faulty phone to begin with!