Friday, April 3, 2009


I had honestly forgotten this was all going on in Iowa:

and, my apologies to Iowa, but I expected the Iowa Supreme Court to at a minimum use some legal equivalent of "it's not up to use to rule on this" sort of thing. I certainly did not expect them to unanimously rule to uphold the lower court ruling (I do see that the legal argument here was different than Massachusetts and California for example, and I believe it made it easier for the court to rule on).

I expect to see a defense of marriage amendment to the Iowa constitution on the ballot in 2010, so this might be short-lived, but for the moment, it looks like I would be as free as my friends Shelley and Ryan to get married in Shelley's hometown now :)

1 comment:

Shelley Kubitz Mahannah said...

I know a great minister in Iowa who would love to faciliate a ceremony. :) Just let me know when you're ready.