Wednesday, March 26, 2008

This ain't your grandma's sci-fi...

The fourth and final season of BSG is starting April 4th...FINALLY after a long wait! For those of you who have been watching, the show is incredible - the "new" sci-fi, complete with drama, hot men and women, and a continuing storyline. I think the sci-fi writers are finally "getting it" that they can appeal to a wider audience and get the non-geeks to watch (and still make it great for the geeks too!) This is loosely a remake of the original 1980 Battlestar Galactica, although the only resemblence is that the characters are more/less named the same (although half of them are women now) and there are Cylons.

For those of you who haven't been watching the past 3 seasons (plus the 3-hour premiere mini-series, plus the webisodes, plus "Razor" which was awesome) there is an 8-minute recap of seasons 1-3 on the sci-fi channel website - accurate, humorous, and short!

Now, if only they'd bring back "Commander In Chief"....

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