Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th - freedoms that we fight for

I wish everyone a safe and blessed 4th of July today as our country turns 235 years old. I have many wonderful family memories of past July 4th days as I know many people do. (For those of you not in Minnesota, I hope you have as nice a weather weekend as we have had here, today looks to be absolutely beautiful!)

I saw this article among CNN's headlines yesterday, about a soldier, Andrew Wilfahrt from Minnesota who served and tragically died in Afghanistan. He was very intelligent and highly respected and liked by his superiors and peers. He was also gay, and is believed to be the first gay soldier to die in combat after the lift of the DADT military ban by congress.

Just this summer, the Minnesota legislature voted to place an amendment on the 2012 ballot to bar same-sex marriage in Minnesota (and a reminder that there is already a Minnesota law that bans same-sex marriage on the books). People like Corporal Wilfahrt, gay Americans who are serving (and dying) to protect our country's freedoms are not allowed to return home and have the freedom to marry the person they love. They are barred from the very freedoms they are dying to protect. I hope people consider this next November when they're casting their ballots and voting on this amendment.

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