Friday, July 8, 2011


Oh boy...I hate to admit that I'm WAY more excited about this than I should be....

I grew up watching Dallas with my parents and grandparents, I remember people having "Who Shot J.R." parties during that season. I watched them again when TNN re-ran them in 1997, and more recently on TNT somewhere around 2007. At some point I want to get the DVDs when they get dirt cheap.

Why do I like this show? Much of the later seasons aren't even that good - after "the dream season" it went downhill quickly, and the last season shouldn't have even happened. But it still has this quirky 80s appeal...and it's about as opposite of reality TV as you can get, so maybe that's another reason I like it. Or maybe I secretly want to be a Texas oil baron (yeah right!)

Anyway...I don't have satellite or cable anymore, but I'm guessing I will be able to stream it from somewhere this fall.

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