Friday, August 7, 2009

"smart" playlists

I hate to beat on Apple again, but then if they are supposed to be the leader in the personal entertainment electronics industry, I guess it's ok to complain!

One of the default "smart" playlists in iTunes groups music by decade - e.g. I have a "90's Music" playlist. Now, all the music I ripped from CD doesn't have a year filled into the year field, and that's my own problem - I knew that would be the case. However, music I've purchased from iTunes does have all its fields filled in, including year. And they're all wrong :) (ok MOSTLY wrong). It appears that, at best, the year that is filled in is the year of the album the song came from - meaning that if it was on a greatest hits album, which many older songs are, then it is labeled with that year - which is totally NOT what you would want if you were going to do a playlist called "90's music". And some of them I can't even figure out what year they have put in there - it doesn't seem to match anything.

If this is the worst problem of my day, then life is good. End of rant!

1 comment:

GoldFishy said...

I agree totally. It has so much potential, but poor execution. Conversely, I LOVE the new Genius feature. It picks some odd stuff once in awhile, but in general works well.