Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Minnesota Summers

I have to say this has been the longest string of nice weather I can remember in a long time - even with the rain last night. We haven't had to run the air conditioner much, the yard is looking better than it ever has even without watering, and we've been able to enjoy outside almost every day. I do not at all miss Nebraska summers where it was in the 90s (or worse) and humid.

Saturday we enjoyed a wonderful day of boating on the Missisippi river with some friends. We rented a pontoon boat and just leisurely floated up and down the river, with lunch at the Pickle Factory in Pepin, WI. It was an interesting mix at the restaurant, because there were all sorts of boaters there, and also lots of bikers (motorcycle) presumably cycling down the Wisconsin side of the river which is the more scenic side. We were all very worn out and a bit sunburned by the time the day was done!

I have to tip my hat again to Caribou Coffee this morning for just generally being a good business. They may not all be this way, but the one I go to is just a little extra friendly and takes the time to say hi and get to know the regulars.

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