Thursday, November 8, 2007

"Oh Oh" Mochas

I went to Caribou this morning before work to get my daily dose of freshly ground goodness, and as I was walking in, I noticed someone walking out with the "Christmas-time" cups which I knew could only mean one thing - Ho Ho Mochas were back. Now for those of you who haven't had a Ho Ho Mocha at Caribou, I'd describe it as liquid peppermint crack - ok maybe not that bad, but maybe that addictive! Mocha with mint shots and whipped cream, topped with crumbled peppermint candy cane. So as I was standing in line, I was fighting with myself on whether I should break with my low-sugar diet (which means only regular coffee), and have one of those. Well of course when I got to the counter I bought one...and as I drank it during the morning I really wasn't as excited as I remember being in previous years. Overhyped (in my head)? Maybe they changed the formula? Whatever the reason, maybe I'll be able to resist (most of the time) this year - the caffeine effect is the same as a cup of coffee, and the calorie effect is of course way worse.

Other Goings-on

Finally feeling better, post-cold. Had a wonderful band practice (Notochords - jazz band) last night, we added a few Christmas songs to our inventory and they are quite fun and sounded really good. We are slated to play at the Blue Moon Ballroom on Saturday, December 22nd, so we will be in full Christmas season mode that night! I'm looking forward to it.

My dad, for the first time I can remember in my whole life, has chosen to fly to Minneapolis to visit my sister and I next weekend. Dad loves the train (so much that he retired from his first career and took a job as a train engineer 13 years ago), and usually drives 100 miles north into Williston, ND from Rapid City, SD, to get onto Amtrack and ride another 8-10 hours to Minneapolis, JUST to take the train. I agree that trains are probably way more fun to ride and you see a lot more neat stuff, but you can't beat the plane for a 4-day long weekend. I'm looking forward to seeing him and my two nieces next weekend up at my sister's in Isanti.


Shelley Kubitz Mahannah said...

YAY! I'm so glad that your dad's coming up next weekend. I know you guys will have a great time - I bet he can't wait to see his granddaughters.

We'll talk soon!

GoldFishy said...

Funny how certain seasonal items become some "bigger than life" memory... I LOVE an ice cream flavor that Ben & Jerry used to make, called "Festivus" (after a Senifeld episode, I'm told). It was this gooey, delicious blend of gingerbread ice cream, caramel swirl and all sorts of other good stuff. YUM-O! They discontinued it after the show was cancelled, but you can still get it at holiday time at Ben and Jerry's stands in the cities. I had some once up there, and it was good, but not as good as I remember.

One of my current seasonal favorites is the chocolate-chip pumpkin bread/muffins/etc., at Great Harvest Bread Co. Check those out, yum! (Sorry Paul, they're not low-sugar...)