Saturday, November 3, 2007

Here we go...

OK, so blogging has been on my todo list for about 2 years now - my original intention was to set up my own blogging server, that being half the fun of doing this. Since I haven't made the time to do that in 2 years, I think I can safely give up on that part of the idea...and since I told my friend Shelley that THIS weekend was going to be the weekend I started my blog...well here I go.

I'm starting this in the midst of a lingering cold (read: sinus and/or ear infection now developing). By Monday it will have been 10 days of symptoms which means I can go to the doctor and not pretend it's been 10 much as I hate taking any sort of antibiotics, I know from past history this isn't going to go away on its own.

Besides illness, here's what's going on this week...

The Huskers

I just finished watching them lose 76-39 to Kansas. No, that is not a misprint, 76-39!!!! They have not lost 5 straight games since....well we're talking pre-WW2 era. After last week I really thought they might be coming's inevitable that the coach will get fired at the end of the season now, and we will lose a years worth of recruiting. Non-Nebraska natives probably can't fathom what this downfall means, in a state that really only has its football team to follow. I guess nothing lasts forever....

Deal or No Deal

I do NOT watch this show on a regular basis, in fact I've only even seen it twice and once was over at a friend's house...but last night it happened to be on when I turned on the TV. I admit that no matter how stupid these game shows are I still get sucked in...what is so bad though is that unless you're incredibly unlucky in your initial picks, you can almost always walk out of there with $100,000 by taking the early deal. Now, I don't know about you, but if I could be guaranteed $100,000 by quitting early, rather than wait around for a VERY remote chance of getting somthing a bit higher (even a million!) I'd do it in a heartbeat. I can only think of how debt-free and easy I'd have it with an extra $100,000...winning $200,000 or even $1,000,000 wouldn't make any more real impact except possibly being able to retire earlier. But then maybe I shouldn't have just dedicated a whole paragraph to such a bad show :)


It is wonderful to have a boyfriend that knows how to cook, and especially that is willing to cook stuff that I like...last night we had one of our favorite salad creations, which when you break it down pretty much has everything I could possibly want in a meal (lettuce, apple slices, craisins, cashews, amazing poppyseed dressing, and sliced grilled chicken). I ate the leftover for lunch....yummy!

And now it's time to go re-install one of my computers as it has been slowly degrading over the past few months...more to come.

(There Shelley - I finally did it!)


Unknown said...

Waddup blog buddy? I got my remaining HVAC frame put together but my drill battery pooped out after about only an hour so I can't really hang it up yet. That makes me a sad panda. I could've told you all this through email or during Monday's C-run, but now I feel hip by posting a comment. This might be my very first time. I'm sadly no longer a blog virgin, a blirgin.

Unknown said...

Hey, did someone call my name? Oh, you said Blirgin, not Jergen. nm. lol. never mind. laughing out loud.

Shelley Kubitz Mahannah said...

YAY! I'm so happy that you've joined the blogosphere! Good work, babe. Let me know how the book is going ...

Unknown said...

Holy crap, Paul. Speaking of writing books, this is your month. Check this out and get started:

If you get started you can be one of the Filthy Critic's friends, just like his last review mentions:

"November is coming fast, kiddies. Some of you are still being pussies.Get off your ass and write a novel. Be immortalized right here in this column all month long if you do. Sign up to write a novel in November and email me your user name on NaNoWriMo and get your name up in lights. Already about 30 of you have stepped up. That means there must be at least ten or twelve pussies reading this who are wussing out because you're big fucking babies. Do it now, or be a pussy."

Please excuse the language but it's the Filthy, not me. My vocabulary is white as snow and not in a supremist way.

Unknown said...

if it makes you feel any better, Kansas State lost to Iowa State...the worst ranked team in the Big 12. I wouldn't feel bad losing to Kansas considering they are ranked in the top 10 and are undefeated!!