Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Life's Key Points

It's been an interesting couple of days for me. A lot of you know that I recently got moved onto a project at work more "permanently", and it's work that I absolutely love doing and like the people I'm working with. I honestly look forward to coming to work almost every day!

The past few days has made me think again about how it seems that so much of what happens in your life is determined by a few key moments or decisions. While I don't believe that is completely true (I think in the bigger picture, the person you are and how you act and treat other people DOES come back to you), it certainly does seem like you can pinpoint certain moments and decisions that sent you down a completely different path. I tend to do a lot of "what-if" thinking, maybe why I think about this a lot.

In particular, the whole reason I'm on this project at all is because 2 1/2 years ago, my manager at the time, offhandedly, in passing, asked if I wanted to help out on taking the build work for this new team. The work wasn't really the kind of work I had been doing, it didn't really fall under our department's workload, but for some reason he thought I should be doing it and for some reason, that particular day, I said yes. And here I am, 2 1/2 years later, looking at all the amazing opportunities that have opened up because of that one little decision, thinking what if I had been in a different mood and said no. Cool...and the same time.

Probably bad that spend time thinking about this kind of stuff - but I think it's the same for our new president (hooray!) - he gave a speech 6 years ago, that for whatever reason got a lot of attention, and probably got this whole run started - and now he's president. Had he not given that speech? Who knows...

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