Sunday, January 25, 2009

Easy like Sunday morning

I had quite a full week last week with work - I can feel crunch time getting closer and closer for our project, and it's definitely starting to show. I'm still enjoying the challenge though - I just hope it all falls into place soon.

This has also been an exciting week on the news, watching all the changes going on in the government. I really hope that this is the beginning of better days ahead - I can already see that the return toward transparency and government accountability has started. The economy, foreign relations, those both have a long ways to go - but I have hope for the future.

Friday night we had people over for dinner and to watch the second episode of the "final 10" of Battlestar Galactica. Not quite as dramatic as the previous week, but still interesting. I will be sad to see the show finish, on the other hand I also like that they planned to have 4 seasons and there will be a definite finish.

Saturday I got to participate in the final Peer Ministry retreat for the season, at Ironwood Springs. This class of 10th graders has spent 3 months learning life skills on how to be a better communicator, listener, friend, peer, etc. We were discussing during one of the breaks how long we've been doing this, and I've been a trainer for 6 years now - hard to believe.

Saturday night both Erin and I were tired and it was cold out and we just relaxed which was nice. This morning I met friend Bill for coffee and Erin joined me for church and the Peer Ministry commissioning, as well as the Sunday School yearly musical which was really fun to watch - this one was titled "Life of the Party". It is great to see the kids doing their own version of ministry - as unique and important as anything else we do at church.

Looking forward to what should be a more balanced week - including a band concert at the Charter House, one of my very favorite places to play.

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