Friday, August 19, 2011

In the Zone

It's a beautiful summer day in Minnesota, I hope everyone here had the chance to just sit outside and get a little bit of sun (and yes, we all freak out too much about sunburns and skin cancer - getting 15 minutes of good solid sunlight without sunscreen is still good for us - Vitamin D - as well as just puts us in a better mood!)

Sports athletes talk about being "in the zone" when they're on a hitting streak, shooting streak, etc. - some even describe feeling like everything seems like everything around them is in slower motion and they are at full speed. I don't know if I would exactly describe all of that for me, but I'm heading into my last week of my first of 4 semesters of graduate school (yes, I'll be 1/4 done on Thursday!), am handling the constant busy-ness at work, and am continuing to lose weight, and mostly just feel great. Yeah, sometimes I feel tired, but usually it's a good kind of tired :)

I was chatting with my manager this morning and told him how good I felt lately and how much I was getting done despite all the things going on, and he said he once heard the quite "If you want something done, give it to a busy person". Why is this so true? I know in college I performed a lot better with the 18-credit semesters than with the 12-credit ones. The summer job I had in Omaha, I got WAY more work done in our busy times than in our non-busy times. And in earlier years in Rochester, I was involved in a LOT of activities (probably more than I should have been) and yet I maintained a much more regular exercise and workout routine than I did the last couple of years, even though I was much busier.

So...I guess maybe my very good friend from college hit it on the money with the phrase he always used: "I'll sleep when I'm dead". Words to live by :)

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