Tuesday, April 12, 2011

100 Miles!

A little lighter of a post, and a shout out of my friend Wayne, who attempted his first 100-mile run. And is a great storyteller :) I owe the birth of my entire running career to Wayne, before I met him I never thought I'd run 10 miles in my lifetime, and by the next summer after we met he had me running his 10 and 20 mile training runs with him, just for fun.

Now, I've done 3 marathons, which are 26.2 miles, and they took me between 4 1/2 to 5 hours to finish. And I was dead by the time I finished. Now, think about doing that do that 4 times in a row.

Or, to put it in a different perspective - how long does it take you to even DRIVE 100 miles?

Congrats Wayne, even though you ONLY got through 80 out of 100 :) (and he says he's going to do another one in a few months, wow!)

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