Thursday, October 21, 2010

It Gets Better campaign - Google

I already like Google from a technology standpoint, but this is very commendable from a humanity standpoint...

1 comment:

GoldFishy said...

This video is very moving and powerful, and has messages that I really wish I'd heard when I was young.

One concern I have about the campaign though, is that it doesn't actually always get better. And sometimes some things get better while others get worse. I think the element that the campaign/message is missing is that "you are not alone." That, to me, is at least as powerful as the "it gets better" message. When I was a teen, I felt SO isolated, SO alone, SO afraid that I'd never be loved... just to know that somebody else cared and would love me no matter what... that was pretty important to me.

Thanks for posting this, it really moved me.